Is to awaken the youth for the glory of God.

To see the life of the youth awaken and alive in serving

our LORD JESUS CHRIST with the strong conviction for Gising Kabataan

To awaken the youth and usher them to fulfill the tasks

that God has given them in reaching their destiny.

To awaken the youth to accept Jesus Christ

as their personal Savior and practice Kingdom living.

To awaken the youth to use their talents and gifts for the Glory of God.

To awaken the youth in prayer, praise, worship, and mission.

To awaken the youth for the unity of the Body of Christ.

To awaken the youth to perceive love and respect

for the Servant of God for the unity of the Body of Christ.

To awaken the youth to love the nation.


Gising KabataanUnit 6-10, 2nd Floor TVJM Center #81 Maysilo Circle, corner San Francisco, Sts., Brgy, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila



© Gising Kabataan Youth Awakening Movement Inc 2024 All Rights Reserved